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Friday, 20 January 2012

it's new and it's chinese new year..

hey guys..wats up?
anyway sorry lame x update..kinda busy n lazy nk update page yg sekalian lame jrang update...well skang dh tahun 2012..woaah!!i'm still alive..so sesape yg pcaye 2012 is the dooms day...STOP IT!!..it's not real at all..

sepanjang mengikut hari2 nk msok 2012..mcm2 bnde dh blaku n it's a lesson for me..well as the saying goes..belajar dari kesilapan..learn from mistake..so that buah pisang x berbuah 2 kali..ehehe..superb panjang..

the best pix i got is...gmba si kutip..my neighbour's cat..rmai yg suke aside of the owners yg sgt2 bangge kucing dier jd model...next time gmba ap plak yg dpt smbutan ramai..

recently pown ak bru abes finale sem 1 tahun 1...haiz..cpat btol mase jalan..tang ting tang dh abes stu sem..=,=..hopefully pointer 3.0+...linglang susah woooi!!

event plg dkat is cuti raya cina...muo jam mcm kat new york abg ak ckp..hahaha..sekian lame x blk..x bnyk prubahn yg blaku kat sni..unlesslah diorang wat muo tower plak..who knows??!!...muo kan OHSEM!!

bndar sgt sesak ngan lautan manusia...almklum..sale sana sini..tahan nafsu shopping..=,=..well during this cuti sem mgkin cuti yg x brape nk cuti ak rse..kajai will be holding KPO..kursus pemantapan organisasi..hopefully evertyhing goes well..ktorang akan bncang pasal 5 mega projek..wooah!!5 MEGA PROJEK!!cam bnyk nk kne pikir tuh...huhuhu!perah2 otak lg...chaiyok kajai!!

exam plak bg ak cam x der feeling...kinda blurred all the way...maybe x same cam kat london dlu..kat sni ak sorang je tesl...stu floor...sgt2 x der semangat nk study at all...jwb je..result redha jelah..hahaha!!sorry!!

so dats all je nk bgtau...do visit my fb for more pix...weee!!