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hey i am newbie in blogging..still figuring out how to make dis blog happenening..thanks for visiting.. stay tuned for new updates..

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

where am i?!!!

hye guys...dh lme x update..so currently i'm in ukm..furthering my studies in bachelor in education for TESL...approximately there 31 of us...3 from the renowned 'london'...hehe..well dis kampus is so huge like going from point A to B u ought to take a chartered bus...orientation is like always...stern pc..hectic schedule..cheers..boring briefing n more..made it into choir team for d day d 1st year took the pledge....so dats all..wait for d pix k..

i made it into d headline!!weee!!


  1. ce cite teknik2 utk ambik gmbar pakai cam tu.. nak tau gak [Oo.]?

  2. untuk yg first beginner baru2 nak pegang dslr

  3. erkkk.. mcm nak pengsan dengar [=="]
    sis-in-law baru grab dslr satu.. mcm2 style gambar dia punya ambik.. sbb tu fyza tanya
